Dear Sir :
Good day , today I try to Get the Position of a Row in the DataSource from the Current Record, and your reference as below link!documents/howtogetthepositionofarowinthedatasourcefromthecurrentrecord.htm
Base on your sample ,
Table table = e.TableControl.Table;
//Gets the current display element.
Element el = table.DisplayElements[e.rowIndex];
//Gets the current record.
Record r = el.ParentRecord;
//Finds its row position.
int dataRowPos = table.UnsortedRecords.IndexOf(r);
//Retrieves the corresponding data row from the datasource.
CustomersDataRow row = dataSoure.Rows[dataRowPos];
// Accesses the CutomerId value of the current record.
string id = row.CustomerId;
I would like to know what is the "e.rowIndex", as the select row index value may not complete event function
Thank you