'To set the custom renderer to customize the appearance of Scrollbar Me.scrollersFrame1.CustomRender = New BasicRenderer(True) |
Additionally, we suggest you to use the Visual style as “Metro” to customize the appearance of scroll bar by using the property named “ScrollMetroColorTable” in ScrollersFrame. Please make use of the following code snippet for your reference.
Code Snippet [VB]:
Private colorTable As New MetroColorTable()
colorTable.ArrowChecked = Color.Red colorTable.ArrowNormal = Color.Blue colorTable.ArrowInActive = Color.Yellow colorTable.ArrowNormalBackGround = Color.Orange colorTable.ArrowPushed = Color.White colorTable.ArrowPushedBackGround = Color.Green colorTable.ScrollerBackground = Color.LightSkyBlue colorTable.ThumbChecked = Color.Blue colorTable.ThumbInActive = Color.Orange colorTable.ThumbNormal = Color.Olive colorTable.ThumbPushed = Color.HotPink colorTable.ThumbPushedBorder = Color.Indigo
'To apply the MetroColorTable to ScrollersFrame Me.scrollersFrame2.ScrollMetroColorTable = colorTable 'To set the Visual style as Metro Me.scrollersFrame2.VisualStyle = ScrollBarCustomDrawStyles.Metro |
We have also prepared a sample for your reference and it can be downloaded from the following location.
Sample Location: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/119733/ze/ScrollersFrame_CustomRender_VB360545952
Could please let us know whether the above solution meets your requirement? If not, could please share us the some additional details regarding the requirement and it will be helpful for us to analyze and provide prompt solution as earlier as possible.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this,
Saravanan T