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Syncfusion Essentials Studio Intallation problem


I download the community edition of Syncfusion Essentials Studio yesterday and started installation. 
It seems the installation is 99% finished for the last 18 hours.  I tried cancelling it today and it won't do anything.
The task manager show it as running.
I am running Windows 7 x64 with 16GB RAM and 256GB SSD with 25GB free. 
My development environment is VS 2010 Premium. 

I do not want to kill the process and clean it up later. 
Anyone has seen or dealt with this problem before?



3 Replies

MS Manivannan Sundararajan Syncfusion Team July 27, 2015 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Marc,

We regret for the inconvenience caused.

In order to check the reported installation issue at our end, could you please follow the steps suggested in the below KB article link and send us the zip file which consists of Syncfusion Installer logs generated by our tool?. It would be much helpful for us to resolve the reported issue at the earliest.


Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this.

Manivannan S.

MS Marc Schurr July 27, 2015 03:46 PM UTC

Hi Manivannan,

Thank you for looking into my problem.  I was impatient and killed the process last Friday.  I was able to open the dashboard and install the toolbox in VS 2010.
I have gathered the logs and you can see some features failed to install. 



Attachment: SyncfusionEStudioLogs_20150727_093707_1285e278.zip

MS Manivannan Sundararajan Syncfusion Team July 28, 2015 06:54 AM UTC

Hi Marc,

Thank you for sharing the zip file.

After analyzing your log file we came to know that Essential Studio setup v13.2.0.29 has been installed successfully in your machine. The installer might hanged due to interruption(system in unresponsive state) during the installation process. As the setup is installed successfully you can use all the features of Syncfusion Essential Studio. If you face any issues, please get back to us.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this.

Manivannan S.

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