I need to implenment a chart that if the value is possitive the bar color should be green, if the value is negative the color should be red, here is the data model:
class DataModel
public DateTime DataDate { get; set; }
public float DataValue{ get; set; }
public Color Foregroud
if (DataValue> 0)
return Colors.Green;
return Colors.Red;
and here is the xaml:
<Charts:SfChart x:Name="cMainIO" Grid.Row="1">
<Charts:CategoryAxis x:Name="Primaryx" LabelFormat="MM/dd" />
<!--SecondaryAxis with range customization-->
<Charts:NumericalAxis RangePadding="Round" StartRangeFromZero="False" />
<Charts:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding}" XBindingPath="DataDate" YBindingPath="DataValue" Interior="{Binding Foregroud, Mode=OneWay}" />
When I run the app the color of bars are still blue,
How to fix it?