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Drill Down Pie Chart with display of Grid onclick of pie chart region.

I’m trying to display a grid in piechart region click, I’m facing some issue in doing so,

Find below the code where the javascript exception is thrown.


File Name:“jquery-2.1.0.js”



jQuery.parseJSON = function (data) {


       return JSON.parse( data + "" );



When the data is “”, “Unexpected End of Input Error” is thrown.

This issue occurs when I try to return a view with custom model from my Action method


But if I Include the below code(return a MVCChartModel object instead of custom model) in my OnClick Action method,

the javascript error is not occurring but it shows some bar chart in the next page..


  if (args.ChartAction == ChartHtmlAction.RegionClick || args.ChartAction == ChartHtmlAction.None)



                  return chartModel.ChartActionResult(args);



Please guide me on this, Is it possible to send a sample code to display a grid below the chart onclick of pie chart region.

2 Replies

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team July 20, 2015 01:44 PM UTC

Hi Anjali,
We have updated solution for the same query in the incident id-141611. Please take the follow-up the incident.
Let us know if you have any other concern.
Sanjith K.

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team July 21, 2015 12:03 PM UTC

Hi Anjali,
We have analyzed your query. Drilldown of the chart to grid cannot be achieved directly. For achieving you requirement we had used Ajax postback method. Please find a below code which is used to drilldown a chart according to a region clicked in a pie chart.

Code Snippet:

//Action method to handle postbacks in Grid

public ActionResult GridPartialView(PagingParams args)


    IEnumerable data = new ChartDrillDownMVC.Models.StudentDataContext().Student.Take(100).ToList();

    return data.GridActions<ChartDrillDownMVC.Models.Student>();


//Action method for drilldown       

public ActionResult DrillDown(string Name, int index)


     var data = new ChartDrillDownMVC.Models.StudentDataContext().Student.Take(100).ToList();

     return PartialView("GridPartialView", data);                       

//Client-side function to handle mouse click event of chart

function MouseClick(sender, e)




   //Using ajax request to drill down when chart point is clicked


      url: "/Chart/DrillDown",

      data: { "Name": e._currentItem.SeriesName, "index":e._currentItem.PointIndex },

      success: function (data) {





Normal piechart:

Piechart after one region is clicked:

We have prepared the workaround sample as per your requirement. Please find the sample from below location.

Sanjith K.​

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