Hi there,
I would like to know if there is any option that I can use to block (disable) fields in the ejGrid, similarly to allowEdit: false when I'm adding a record.
The problem is that I have some fields that are filled automatically after the record is inserted successfully in my database(when grid is refreshed).
However when I'm adding a new record I would like to be able just to fill those fields which are actually required, and disable those which aren't.
The truth is It works fine by having non required fields able to be edited, because my c# functions don't consider them, but it's a bit confusing for someone who is interacting with the page for the first time.
My second question, is if there is any option like Auto-complete for ejDropDownLists, for example, If i Had a record in the data source called ("I like McDonalds"), If I wrote, "I Like" it would complete the rest.
Best regards and Thank you for your time.