Hello, I have the following
<input id="fechaInicio" class="form-control" data-bind="ejDatePicker: { value: fechaInicio, enableStrictMode: true, locale: 'es-EC', buttonText: 'Hoy', select: onSelectedInicio }"/>
self.fechaInicio = ko.observable(moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY')).extend({ validatable: true });
Inspection the HTML code once i put focus on the ejDatePicker and it lose the focus the control adds <span class="e-datewidget e-widget e-error" aria-invalid="true"> showing error but i'm selecting the date from the selector and there is no error.
It's there a way to disable this, since i'm handilng errors with bootstrap and ko validation so i do not want that the ejDatePicker add error class to himself.
And on the other hand if i can't disable wich is the error since it's a correct date selected.