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Custom Connector (LineConnector derivation)

Dear Syncfusion support,
I have to add functionalities to a Diagram based wpf application.
Syncfusion Library version is

The request is to customize connectors in order to add properties, styles and so on.
I've succesfully created a TestConnector, but its aspect on the Palette is more or less a small segment.
I've attached an example based on your Line Connector Demo. As you can see the Test connector is shown in the palette as described , while dragging it in the diagram it's aspect is ok.
Where's my error?

I'd like also to add tools in the Ribbon to add my custom connectors to the Diagram instead of dragging them from palette, can you help me?

Thank you

Attachment: LineConnector_2013_20150703_114650Z_74a21f1d.zip

6 Replies

RA Ranjitha Amirthalingam Syncfusion Team July 6, 2015 09:57 AM UTC

Hi Domenico,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.

Please find the response to your queries as below.


The request is to customize connectors in order to add properties, styles and so on.

I've successfully created a TestConnector, but its aspect on the Palette is more or less a small segment.

I've attached an example based on your Line Connector Demo. As you can see the Test connector is shown in the palette as described, while dragging it in the diagram its aspect is ok.

Where's my error?

We have analyzed your requirement “Need to increase the segment of LineConnector (TestConnector) on SymbolPalette”.We have achieved your requirement by setting StartPoint and EndPointPosition properties of the LineConnector. We have provided screenshot and modified sample to represent this. Please refer to the sample and screenshot as below.


Sample Link: Modified_sample_119519

I'd like also to add tools in the Ribbon to add my custom connectors to the Diagram instead of dragging them from palette, can you help me?
We have modified the sample to achieve your requirement “Need to add the custom connector to the RibbonTab”.Please refer to the above sample and screenshot as below.


Please let us know if you require further assistance on this,

Ranjitha A.

DM Domenico Mozzone July 6, 2015 10:52 AM UTC

Dear Ranjitha,
Thank you for you help.
The first response is clear and solves my question.  The second is ok for a straight standard connector, but how can I use the same mechanism for the custom TestConnector?
I would like to associate my custom connectors to tools.
Kind regards
Thank you

DM Domenico Mozzone July 7, 2015 03:55 PM UTC

I've realized that long Label text on not horizontal connectors are displayed ad a distance from the connector that seems to be dependent on the connector inclination, as displayed in the attached image.
How can I have the label always by the connector?
Thank you
Kind regards

Attachment: Cattura_eb76c5ed.zip

RA Ranjitha Amirthalingam Syncfusion Team July 8, 2015 07:12 PM UTC

Hi Domenico,

Please find the response to your queries as below

I'd like also to add tools in the Ribbon to add my custom connectors to the Diagram instead of dragging them from palette, can you help me?
We assumed that your requirement is “to add the custom TestConnector (as in SymbolPalette) to the Ribbon Tab”.

If our assumption is different from your requirement. Please let us know the brief explanation/screenshot to represent your requirement. This helps us to serve you better.
I've realized that long Label text on not horizontal connectors are displayed ad a distance from the connector that seems to be dependent on the connector inclination, as displayed in the attached image.
Reported Issue: Issue with LineConnector Label

We have analyzed the reported issue from the provided screenshot. The reported issue has been fixed in the Volume 2 release. We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio 2015 Volume 2 is rolled out and is available for download under the following link:

Please let us know if you require further assistance on this,

Ranjitha A.

DM Domenico Mozzone July 9, 2015 06:51 AM UTC

Hi Ranjjtha,

thank you for you help. I confirm point 1 requirement.

For point 2 I've just downloaded volume 2 release and I'm going to install and test the issue solution.

Kind regards


RA Ranjitha Amirthalingam Syncfusion Team July 10, 2015 04:49 PM UTC

Hi Domenico,

We have analyzed your requirement is To add the custom TestConnector (as in SymbolPalette) to the Ribbon Tab”. Currently, we don’t have a support to achieve your requirement. So, we have considered your requirement as feature request.

We have also created an incident under your account where you can track this feature.

Please let us know if you require further assistance on this
Ranjitha A

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