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cannot resolve symbol sfcircular gauge

I have followed the instructions from the knowledge base and when I initialize the circular gauge in the java file I get the error "cannot resolve symbol SfCircularGauge".  I am new to Android Studio so I am not sure if I am missing a step.  I have included a zip of my project.  I have the latest version of AndroidStudio installed.  If you have any other questions let me know.

Attachment: GuageTest_7ff1b576.zip

1 Reply

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team June 25, 2015 07:20 AM UTC

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We have analyzed the provided sample and found that you have not imported the package for SfCircularGauge, since you are getting "cannot resolve symbol SfCircularGauge". This issue can be resolved by importing the following SfCircularGauge packages in your project.


import com.syncfusion.gauges.SfCircularGauge.CircularScale;
import com.syncfusion.gauges.SfCircularGauge.SfCircularGauge;


We have modified the provided sample. Please find the sample below.

Sample Link: GuageTest_Modified

Short Key for package import, select the instance and press (Alt + Enter).

Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.

Nijamudeen M.

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