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Project assuming a finish-to-start dependency with ZERO lag time

if you enter only the task ID number in the Predecessors field, project assumes a finish-to-start dependency with 1 (one) day lag time.

    I would like to know how to change the default to
consider a finish-to-start dependency with ZERO lag time.



3 Replies

MK Mahalakshmi Karthikeyan Syncfusion Team June 12, 2015 12:55 PM UTC

Hi Otto,

At present when you add a new predecessor the default value for lag time or offset is assigned as 0 days only , this is the behavior in Gantt and currently it is not possible to change the default value of lag time in Gantt . But you can change the lag time of a Gantt task while loading like in the below code snippet,

   var projectData = [


{ taskID: 11, taskName: "Design complete", startDate: "02/14/2014", endDate: "02/14/2014", duration: 0, predecessor: "3FS+1d" }


We can also set the lag and lead time while adding or editing a task through the dialog adding or dialog editing using the offset column in predecessor section of dialog.

We have also prepared a sample based on this and you can find the sample under the following location.

Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/119376/ze/PredecessorLagtime-1655122619

Please let us know if you need more information on this.


Mahalakshmi K.

OM Otto Moura Machado Filho June 12, 2015 08:01 PM UTC

Thanks for your reply. But I think we are talking about different things.

I know how to use the offset property, but its behavior is different from Project, for example.

I understand that if a task 4 ends at 3/4/2015 and other task has predecessor 4FS the last one should begin 3/4/2015.

If i want to reproduce it I need to set 4FS - 1D.

Otto Machado.

MK Mahalakshmi Karthikeyan Syncfusion Team June 15, 2015 01:03 PM UTC

Hi Otto,

For your kind information, the current behavior of Gantt is the 0 days lag task will start from the next day to the predecessor task, which is same as in the Microsoft project. Please refer the below screen shot from MS Project for your reference.

If we want to start a task from the day, the predecessor task gets end, we must mention the -1 day to achieve.

As in the above screen shot, Task2 is 0day lag from Task1, and Task3 is -1 day lag from Task2 as specified in the Predecessors field.

Please let us know if you need more information on this.


Mahalakshmi K.

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