I am using ejDialog as pop-out.
Trigger event: Double click on a node
Dialog Content: loaded dynamically using jquery .load() function.
Based on my observation, if the page to be loaded contains many "div" or elements, after DOUBLE-CLICK for the first time and close it, the second time when you try to DOUBLE-CLICK again the ejDialog will not pop out anymore.
However, if only few elements within the page, then DOUBLE-CLICK to have the ejDialog pop-out, close it, repeat it for many times also will not have any issue.
How can I solve this problem?
1. I have tried to simulate this issue in the sample code. (DiagramBuilder.aspx)
2. As attached, under dashboard, I have created a new folder "Pages", to hold the dynamic page I want to display.
3. If I uncomment the commented line, the I will get the mentioned issue.
4. But if I uncomment them, then no issue.
Code snippet:
<div id="main-right">
<ej:Diagram ID="DiagramContent" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" ></ej:Diagram>
<ej:Dialog ID="DialogControlEditorDialog" Title="Node" CloseIconTooltip="Close" AllowDraggable="true"
Width="850" runat="server" EnableModal="true" ShowHeader="true" EnableAutoResize="false"
EnableResize="false" ShowRoundedCorner="true" ShowOnInit="false" CloseOnEscape="true">
<div id="dialogContentActivity"></div>
function DoubleClick(argument) {
var dialogObj = $("#DialogControlEditorDialog").data("ejDialog");
if (dialogObj) {
var dialogObjTitle = "Activity Details";
dialogObj.option("title", dialogObjTitle);
var url = 'Pages/Default.aspx';
$('#dialogContentActivity').load(url, {
}, function () {
if (onSuccessLoadPage) {
As attached, are the video when I test on my own project, on the sample project and also the code I modified in the sample project.
Thank you.