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SfDataGrid low performance.

Hi Syncfusion,
I am experiencing low performance of Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid apps when running, tested on Asus Zenfone 4.5" and Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Even the demo apps run with very low fps. The problem occurs only on Android. Xamarin.iOS SfDataGrid work well. 
Please help.
Btw, would you show me any way to implement SfDataGrid Summaries feature.

Thank in advance.

6 Replies

DE Deniz May 21, 2015 08:47 AM UTC

I have to confirm that with the Xamarin.Android version (did not test iOS). It seems like binding to a data source takes a long time.

HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team May 21, 2015 03:07 PM UTC

Hi Fox,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We have fixed the reported performance and loading time issue and the fix will be included in our upcoming service pack. The service pack will be released by the end of this month. Regarding summaries, we have the feature in our wish list and it will be implement in our upcoming release.

Please let us know if you have any further queries.


HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team October 6, 2015 02:14 PM UTC

Hi Fox,

We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio Volume 3, 2015 is rolled out which includes the fix for the reported performance issue and is available for download under the following link.


We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.


DE Deniz replied to Harikrishnan N October 6, 2015 02:29 PM UTC

Hi Fox,

We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio Volume 3, 2015 is rolled out which includes the fix for the reported performance issue and is available for download under the following link.


We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.


Hi Harikrishnan,

Thank you for the feedback. Will this release also be available at the Xamarin Component Store? My version was bought from the Xamarin Component Store so I need to download it from there.



HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team October 7, 2015 09:21 AM UTC

Hi Deniz,

Yes, this release will also be available at the Xamarin Component Store before this week end.

Please let us know if you have any query.


HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team October 8, 2015 05:53 AM UTC

Hi Deniz,

This release is now available at the Xamarin Component Store and you can view it at https://components.xamarin.com/view/syncfusionessentialstudio.

Please let us know if you have any query.


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