Hi Shwe,
Thank you for using Syncfusion products.
We would like to let you know that, the RecordSelection event is raised when click on row and with record is moved to edit state so the FormEditCell will not be available. You can access the inline form Edit cells by CurrentRecordContextChange event which is achieved with help of EndEditCalled action.
Please refer the below code snippets for EndEditCalled action.
void GridGroupingControl1_CurrentRecordContextChange(object sender, CurrentRecordContextChangeEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == CurrentRecordAction.EndEditCalled)
Record curRecord = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.CurrentRecord;
TextBox tb = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.FindControl("CustomerIDTB") as TextBox;
if (tb.Enabled)
curRecord.SetValue("CustomerID", tb.Text);
tb = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.FindControl("ContNameTB") as TextBox; // editing controls are accessed here
curRecord.SetValue("ContactName", tb.Text);
tb = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.FindControl("CompNameTB") as TextBox;
curRecord.SetValue("CompanyName", tb.Text);
tb = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.FindControl("CityTB") as TextBox;
curRecord.SetValue("City", tb.Text);
tb = this.GridGroupingControl1.FormEditCell.FindControl("CountryTB") as TextBox;
curRecord.SetValue("Country", tb.Text);
We have prepared a simple sample by using inline form template and also please refer the following online sample.
Sample: sample.zip
Online Sample link: http://asp.syncfusion.com/demos/ui/GridGrouping/CRUD%20Operations/EditingModes/cs/EditingModes.aspx
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Kavitha N