Hi Vasanth,Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.We analyzed your query. Currently, we don’t have a direct support for TextWrapping in GridHyperlinkColumn in SfDataGrid. But we have prepare the workaround based on your requirement by overriding the GridCellHyperlinkRenderer in SfDataGrid.
Please refer the following code snippet and sample in the following location:
Code Snippet:
public class GridHyperlinkColumnExt : GridCellHyperlinkRenderer
public GridHyperlinkColumnExt()
public override void OnInitializeEditElement(Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.ScrollAxis.RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex, HyperlinkButton uiElement, GridColumn column, object dataContext)
base.OnInitializeEditElement(rowColumnIndex, uiElement, column, dataContext);
TextBlock textblock = uiElement.Content as TextBlock;
textblock.TextWrapping = Windows.UI.Xaml.TextWrapping.Wrap;
Sample Location: SfDataGridWithHyperLinkColumn.zip
Farjana Parveen A