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Tap on Gauge crashes Applikation (since last Service-Pack

if you tap on a Gauge (without creating any GestureRecognizer) will crash the Application
(tested only on iOS)


3 Replies

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team May 4, 2015 10:20 AM UTC

Hi Helmut,

We are unable to reproduce the tapping issue (Without GestureRecognizer) in our latest version of Xamarin. We have prepared sample for SfCircularGauge with Latest custom assemblies.

Sample Link: SfGauge_Xamarin.zip

If the provided Sample does not meet your requirement, could you please modify the provided sample and its replication procedure along with screenshots (if possible)? It will be very helpful for us to analyse on it and provide you the possible solution.

Please let us know if you have any queries.

Nijamudeen M.

HL Helmut Lubik May 4, 2015 02:56 PM UTC

Hi Nijamudeen,

this is the screenshot of the attached solution if you tap the Gauge.


Attachment: Xamarin.iOS_Binding_2_b12c8e4a.zip

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team May 5, 2015 07:19 AM UTC

Hi Helmut,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We are able to reproduce the mentioned issue with SfCircularGauge labels in Xamarin. We have created an incident for the same. Please have the follow up with the incident for issue fixes.

Please let us know if you have any queries.

Nijamudeen M.

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