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Save XLS file in compatbility mode

Am using version 8.404.0.10 of the library.

I want to create and save .xls file and open them with excel 2007 +. Currently if i do that then i get a warning stating the file extenion/format is different and if i click yes, the file opens.

However i can create an xls file in office 2010 and save it in compatiobility mode and open it without any warning.

1 Reply

VS Vikas Sekar Syncfusion Team April 23, 2015 01:59 PM UTC


The warning message you have shared us is due to invalid version. Please follow the below code snippets to save the file in respective version.

Code Snippet:

//To Save file in .xls Format

workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;


//To Save file in .xlsx Format

workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;


Please lets us know if you need any clarification.



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