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Losting the inputted text box value when record updates

When i'm editing the cell through the text box control, I lost the inputted value when the record suffers a extern update.

My grid requires real-time updates on its static cells and needs be able to edit in some cells. These cells are edited through the textbox control that lost its value when the static cells are updated.

Is there a way to handle this behavior?

1 Reply

VS Venkatesh Sundaram Syncfusion Team April 7, 2015 02:14 PM UTC

Hi Marcos,

Thank you for interest in Syncfusion Products.

By default, when editing the cell through Textbox control, the cell will not store the input text from the user because the text are loaded from the data source. So it will be replaced by the old values when the cells are updated. If we want to store the edited value, you need to use ForceImmediateSaveValue property. Please refer the below code snippet for clarification.


//Forces the GridGroupingControl to save the edited values while leaving the CurrentCell.

foreach (FieldDescriptor col in this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Fields)
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Fields[col.Name].ForceImmediateSaveValue = true;

Please let you know if you have any other concerns,


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