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Error on Experimental Build with Windows 10 Preview 10049

I have a Problem with the SfDataGrid.

On my Windows 10 experimental Machine with Windows 10 Preview 10049 and Visual Studio 2015 Ctp6 and the new Visual Studio Tools for Windows 10.

My Project works good with VS2013 Professinal Update 4 and Windows 8.1 but the same Code under Windows 10 has that error at runtime. I compile with no errors.

The invocation of the constructor on type 'Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid.SfDataGrid' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '27' and line position '10'
"Cannot locate resource 'syncfusion.sfgrid.wpf;v13.1451.0.21;themes/syncfusion.sfgrid.wpf;component/gridcommon/themes/generic.xaml'.

<syncfusion:SfDataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Companies}" Grid.Row="1" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ColumnSizer="AutoWithLastColumnFill" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCompany}" AllowResizingColumns="True">
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Id" MappingName="Id" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="RootNumber" MappingName="RootNumber" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="UID" MappingName="UidNumber" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Firmenname" MappingName="CompanyName" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Adresszeile 1" MappingName="AddressAdditionalLine1" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Adresszeile 2" MappingName="AddressAdditionalLine2" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Postfach" MappingName="PostBox" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="P-PLZ" MappingName="PostBoxPostalCode" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Postleitzahl" MappingName="PostalCode" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Land" MappingName="Country" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Straße" MappingName="Street" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Bundesland" MappingName="State" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Stadt" MappingName="City" />
                <syncfusion:GridCheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Post an Postfach" MappingName="SendPostbox" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="CreateDateTime" MappingName="CreateDateTime" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="ModifyDateTime" MappingName="ModifyDateTime" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="CreateModifyUser" MappingName="CreateModifyUser" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridCheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Inactive" MappingName="Inactive" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="InactiveDateTime" MappingName="InactiveDateTime" IsHidden="True"/>
                <syncfusion:GridCheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Adressenänderung in Fibu" MappingName="PublishAddressChange" />


Best regards from Germany
Wolfgang Feneberg

16 Replies

FE Feneberg April 4, 2015 06:46 PM UTC

I tested it with the original local installed SfDataGrid and Visual Studio 2015 Preview Ctp6 and the  new Visual Studio Tools for Windows 10.

The same problem as the first Thread.

Best regards
Wolfgang Feneberg

SM Saravanan M Syncfusion Team April 6, 2015 06:12 PM UTC

Hi Wolfgang,

Thank you for interesting Syncfusion support,

We have checked the reported problem with our SfDataGrid in vs2015 ctp6 and Windows 10 environment, but we are not able to reproduce the reported issue in our side. Could you please share the list of assemblies which you have added in your application and make sure all the assemblies are in same version? Also could you please tell us whether you are using our Dashboard sample or you have faced issue with your application? For your reference we have attached the video file and you can download it from below location.

Video File: VideoFile.zip

Please let us know if you have any other queries,



CB Chris Blair April 27, 2015 12:10 AM UTC

I'm experiencing the same issue in my project on win10 vs2015 as well as with the Getting Started sample project for SfDataGrid.

SM Saravanan M Syncfusion Team April 29, 2015 11:23 AM UTC

Hi Chris,
We were able to reproduce the issue and have logged defect report regarding this. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account.Please log on to our support website to check for further updates
Please let me know if you have any questions.

RG Rajesh Gunnam May 4, 2015 10:01 AM UTC


I'm also facing similar issue when compiling code with VS2015RC on windows 8 64bit system. Please let me know the status of solution.

SC Saranya CJ Syncfusion Team May 4, 2015 11:08 AM UTC

Hi Rajesh,
We are sorry about the inconvenience caused.
We have considered your issue as defect and logged a defect report on this. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates

Your requirement necessities patch fix and that level of support which is higher than what we can provide in the Forums. So, we have created an incident for you under your account and we request you to follow up with the incident for further updates regarding this issue.

RA Ralph May 5, 2015 04:48 PM UTC

I get the same problem when running on VS2015RC on a Windows 8.1 x64 system. Please let me know the status of solution.

SC Saranya CJ Syncfusion Team May 6, 2015 04:49 AM UTC

Hi Ralph,
Your requirement seems to be an issue and this level of support is higher than what we can provide in forums. So, we have created an incident for you under your account and we request you to follow up with the incident for further updates regarding this issue. Please refer the following link:
We kindly request you all to create an incident using the above link if you come across this issue in future.

RA Robert Aston May 6, 2015 09:56 PM UTC


I have the same issue here as well in the same environment as Ralph (VS 2015 RC, .Net 4.6, Win 8.1 64 bit)

Is there a patch available for this yet?


RA Robert Aston May 6, 2015 10:03 PM UTC

Apologies - I just realised that the last Syncfusion representative mentioned to directly log d-trak incidents. Please ignore the previous post.

SC Saranya CJ Syncfusion Team May 7, 2015 06:04 AM UTC

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your understanding. Please let us know if you require any other assistance.


FE Feneberg May 12, 2015 08:32 PM UTC


any solution for the problem.

I update my computer on Windows 10 Build 10074 and Visual Studio 2015 RC.

I installed Syncfusion and have already the same problem.

It would be nice to go on development with Visual Studio 2015 and the go live licence.

Best regards

MM Muthalagu M Syncfusion Team May 13, 2015 06:32 AM UTC

Hi Wolfgang,

We are able to reproduce the reported issue with our SfDataGrid in VS2015 environment as you reported now and initially in this forum. This issue has been already fixed in our source and you can refer the following KB article to get more information on this issue.




Please let us know if you require any other assistance.




DP Dhimant Patel May 18, 2015 09:22 PM UTC

Hi Muthalagu,

I believe I need to install this - but how? I see following directory structure when expanded - and dont see any exe/msi  in the folder.
Please provide complete instructions.


DP Dhimant Patel May 18, 2015 09:29 PM UTC

Ok, running the exe gives expected runtime behaviour - still would like to know how to properly use .zip file on that link.

Pardon my complete lack of knowledge on this and please provide instructions on how I should have used .zip, in case no exe was provided.

Still need to see if the installation solves my original XmlParse error.

AR Akila Rajaram Syncfusion Team May 20, 2015 01:59 AM UTC

Hi Dhimant,


Please find the responses as follows,


Query : Please provide instructions on how I should have used .zip, in case no exe was provided.


1. Please copy the patch assemblies from the respective framework folder and replace it in the following mentioned locations:
{Drive}\{Program Files folder}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{Version}\precompiledassemblies\{Version}\{Framework version}

Example : C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\4.0

                 C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\4.5

                 C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\4.5.1

2. Run the Assembly Manager utility from the Syncfusion Essential Studio Dashboard v13.1.0.21 to install the patch assemblies in GAC and to the Assemblies folder.

Note: Before configuring the Assembly Management, you need to close all Visual Studio applications.

·         1.Open Dashboard.

·         2.Select Utilities>Assembly Management>Launch.

·         3.Syncfusion Assembly Manager window will open

·         4.Choose Remove all versions and click perform action.

·         5.Once action completed Choose Install version for re installing the assemblies in 13.1V


Please refer the below ug link for more information about Assembly manager:

Link : http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/common/index.html#!Documents/assemblymanager.htm

You can also install assembly by installing the patch exe link. After installing the patch exe, it will automatically refer the last installed assembly .


Please let us know if you require further assistance on this .



Akila R.

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