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Universal Apps


this is my first test with your controls.
My target is building universal apps.

So I installed the WinRT controls ( and created a new Universal hub App in VS 2013.
In the shared project I added a UserControl and (designer set to Win8.1) a SfxDataGrid to the control.

This added a reference to my Win8.1 project - but (first problem) not to the Phone Project.
Anyhow - I unloaded the project files - edited them in text mode and added


<SDKReference Include="Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML, Version=">

     <Name>Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML</Name>



to the phone project.
After reloading the project I found the reference (resolved) in my Phone project.

I was also able to add my user control on the hub page.
Running the project for Windows 8.1 and the phone worked both as expected.

My problems:
Dragging a control doesn't add a reference to the Phone Project.
When I open the toolbox in a "Windows Page" I find a section "Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML" - BUT this in not available for the Phone project (or shared when setting the designer to Phone).
Checking the output I found ALL DLLs from all available controls - although I only use the grid.

My questions:
How to fix the "not adding references to both projects"?
How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?
How to reduce the "included DLLs" to only the ones I need / use?

Thank you

6 Replies

KS Kathiresan Subramaniam Syncfusion Team March 26, 2015 02:40 PM UTC

Hi Manfred,

Please find the response for your queries below,

Q1) How to fix the "not adding references to both projects"?

For the Universal Windows Phone and WinRT 8.1 projects, we are using SDK reference named "Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML". So while drag and dropping controls, there won't be any assembly reference included for the Windows Phone projects in Universal Apps.

Q2) How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?

We are providing Phone Toolbox support for Windows Phone WinRT Projects only. Currently we are not providing toolbox support for Windows Phone Silverlight projects.

Q3) How to reduce the "included DLLs" to only the ones I need / use?

Since we use only SDK reference, all the assemblies present in the SDK reference path are copied to the project's output folder while building the project.

If you need only the desired assemblies, please remove the SDK reference "Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML" from your project and refer only the required assemblies from the below path,

Universal Assemblies Path : "{PROGRAMFILESFOLDER}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{STUDIO_VERSION}\ Assemblies for Universal\8.1"

Ex: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for Universal\8.1"

Now build the project, only the assemblies you have referred will be included in the output directory.

Please let us know if you need any other further assistance regarding this.

Kathiresan S.

MA ManniAT March 26, 2015 05:54 PM UTC

Hi Kathiresan,

unfortunately your answer didn't really help me...
Maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker - so my question may've been unclear.

Q1) How to fix the "not adding references to both projects"?

 For the Universal Windows Phone and WinRT 8.1 projects, we are using SDK reference named "Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML". So while drag and dropping controls, there won't be any assembly reference included for the Windows Phone projects in Universal Apps.
I know - but the problem is that the SDK reference only gets added to the WinRT project - and not to both (RT and Phone) projects when I drag (for an example) a grid to a usercontrol in the Shared Project.

Q2) How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?

 We are providing Phone Toolbox support for Windows Phone WinRT Projects only. Currently we are not providing toolbox support for Windows Phone Silverlight projects. 
I'm only talking about UNIVERSAL projects not SL projects.
Again - I have a UNIVERSAL app - which contains (of course)  a WinRT project and a Phone project - which is NOT a SL project.
But on the contained Phone project I get no Toolbox support!
Just to test I also created a WinRT Phone project - toolbox stays empty.
I only installed "WinRT Universal Controls" - syncfusionessentialwinrt.exe
Do I have to install something else??? (I only target WinRT universal apps!!)

Q3) How to reduce the "included DLLs" to only the ones I need / use? 

 Since we use only SDK reference, all the assemblies present in the SDK reference path are copied to the project's output folder while building the project. 

If you need only the desired assemblies, please remove the SDK reference "Syncfusion 8.1 controls for Universal XAML" from your project and refer only the required assemblies from the below path,

Universal Assemblies Path : "{PROGRAMFILESFOLDER}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{STUDIO_VERSION}\ Assemblies for Universal\8.1"

Ex: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for Universal\8.1"
This helped a lot!!!! Thank you!
I added (by trial and error - since I found no documentation WHAT I need) references to SfGrid, Data and SfInput which made the thing working.
BUT - I get an error at runtime:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Syncfusion.SfGrid.Universal.DLL

WinRT information: ResourceMap Not Found.

Am I missing something?
Is there any documentation about which controls needs which assemblies?
Especially "used assemblies" - of course SfGrid needs SfGrid - but where to learn that I need Data and Input too?

Thank you


PS: I couldn't get the "reply with quote" (here in the forums) running - but copy paste worked :-)

VN Vadivel Natarajan Syncfusion Team March 28, 2015 02:28 AM UTC

Hi Manfred, 

Regret for the inconvenience caused. 

We are working on this. We will update you the response shortly. 

We appreciate your patience until then. 



KS Kathiresan Subramaniam Syncfusion Team March 28, 2015 05:34 PM UTC

Hi Manfred,

Thank you for your patience.

Q1) How to fix the "not adding references to both projects"?
Currently we are checking the reported issue with our product team. So, we will check this issue and will update you the details shortly.

Q2) How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?
We are providing toolbox support for Windows Phone WinRT Projects alone.

For this query “Do I have to install something else?”, as you want to use only our WinRT Universal application, you no need to install anything other than Syncfusion Essential Studio WinRT setup.

But if you want to use WinRT Phone project, then you need to install our Syncfusion Essential Studio Windows Phone platform setup

Q3) How to reduce the "included DLLs" to only the ones I need / use?
Here the exception is due to retrieving of localization resources file but it is not possible to avoid this exception in WinRT/Universal. But you can able to overcome this exception by including that resource file in your application/sample.

Follow the below link to find the attached sample with that changes.

Please let us know if you have any queries.

Kathiresan S.

MA ManniAT March 31, 2015 02:28 PM UTC


now only two things are left open for me.

Q2) How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?
We are providing toolbox support for Windows Phone WinRT Projects alone.

For this query “Do I have to install something else?”, as you want to use only our WinRT Universal application, you no need to install anything other than Syncfusion Essential Studio WinRT setup.

But if you want to use WinRT Phone project, then you need to install our Syncfusion Essential Studio Windows Phone platform setup

You write "...for WinRT Universal...nothing else than SF WinRT".
I installed this - but when I open a phone page (part of universal) - there are no items in the toolbox.
If I open a windows page - items are there.
If I open a shared page - items are there if I switch the designer to Windows - I can drag items - but I got only a reference added to the Windows project.

To simplify my question:
Install SFE Studio for WinRT.
Create a new Universal app.
Now add a page to the shared project.
--I want a grid on that page - what do I have to do step by step???

Number Two:
Ex: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for Universal\8.1"
This helped a lot!!!! Thank you!
I added (by trial and error - since I found no documentation WHAT I need) references to SfGrid, Data and SfInput which made the thing working.
BUT - I get an error at runtime...

Is there any documentation about which controls needs which assemblies?
Especially "used assemblies" - of course SfGrid needs SfGrid - but where to learn that I need Data and Input too?

You provided me with a sample (thank you) - but I can't always ask for a sample.
Therefore I asked about documentation - where can I (for an example) learn that Grid needs that resources and also references to Data and SfInput??

Sorry for asking that much - I'm new to syncfusion.

Till now I worked with a competitor product. There I have in a shared project (as well in phone as in windows) a toolbox item. When I drag a control to the designer it adds everything needed - to both (if the page is in the shared project) or the project where the page belongs to.

Thank you


JS Jayapradha S Syncfusion Team April 1, 2015 06:56 PM UTC

Hi Manfred,

Regarding Query: How to make the controls available in the "Phone Toolbox"?

We have mentioned like “you want to use only our WinRT Universal application, you no need to install anything other than Syncfusion Essential Studio WinRT setup”. But if you want to use, you need to install Syncfusion Essential Studio Windows Phone platform setup. Since Universal app combines both WinRT and WindowsPhone project. So that you have to install both setup for Universal apps.

Regarding Query: Is there any documentation about which controls needs which assemblies?

You can find the details of assemblies which needed for SfDataGrid in below UG link,

Please find the documentation link: http://help.syncfusion.com/UG/winrt/default.htm#!documents/gettingstarted12.htm

You need to include the below assemblies to run the SfDataGrid products.




Please let us know if you have any queries.



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