is it possible to open pdf files in windows phone using the syncfusion controls? Is there any sample code if it is possible or thread that you can point to?
Just to clarify, this is to open it in app, not to launch uri to another app like adobe reader/pdf reader.
Hi Dave,
Thank you for using Syncfusion Products.
At present we do not have support for Pdf Viewer in Windows Phone. We have already logged a feature request for this “Need to support PDF Viewer in Windows Phone” we will let you know once this feature is implemented.
Hi Jennifer,
We already have Scheduler in our WP library and you
can find the samples for it in the below mentioned location.
In Windows phone Sample Browser: Windows Phone 8.1 \Schedule
You can also refer below link for more information
about Windows Phone
Link: http://www.syncfusion.com/products/windows-phone/schedule
Regarding PDF Viewer query:
We have created a separate incident for this query,
please login to below location to have follow up regarding this query.
Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fsupport%2fdirecttrac%2fincidents
Please let us know if you have any concerns.
Vigneshkumar R
Hi Dave,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
At present we don’t provide support for PDFViewer in Windows phone. We have logged a feature request report “Need to support PDF Viewer in Windows Phone” for the implementation of this feature. We will update you once it is implemented.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this.
Deepak G