I am using syncfusion grid for regularization of records in leave application. There is field for regularization count and i want count to automatically increase and should be disabled after increasing, when user enters the record in dialog box. I have worked with the code and when the user enters record, count increased by 1, which is working in alert, but it is binding to the count field.i am working with angularjs. Here is the code,
app.controller('regularization_controller', function ($scope, $window, $modal, $compile) {
$scope.tools = ["add", "edit"];
//$scope.data = [{ "sr_no": "1", "attendance_date": "25-Feb-2015", "modified_in_time": "09:00 AM", "modified_out_time": "09:00 AM","reason": "abc", "status": "Applied" }, { "sr_no": "2", "attendance_date": "26-Feb-2015", "modified_in_time": "09:00 AM", "modified_out_time": "09:00 AM", "reason": "abc", "status": "Applied" }];
var regularize_status = [{ text: "Applied", value: "Applied" }, { text: "Discard", value: "Discard" }];
$scope.data = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('RegularizationList')));
if (localStorage.getItem('RegularizationList') == null) {
localStorage.setItem('RegularizationList', '[]');
$scope.selectedRow = 2;
//new changes-------------------------
//$scope.selectedRow = 2;
//$scope.select = function (args) {
// var scope = angular.element($(".gridform")).scope();
// //$scope.modified_in_time = args.value;
// //$scope.modified_out_time = args.value;
// scope.compile($(".gridform"));
//$scope.compile = function (el) {
// $compile(el)($scope);
$scope.sorting = { sortedColumns: [{ field: "sr_no", direction: ej.sortOrder.Descending }] }
$scope.regularization_arr = [];
$scope.actionComplete = function actionComplete(args) {
if (args.requestType == "add") {
$scope.t = 1;
$scope.sr_no = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('RegularizationList')).length) + 1;
var rowIndex = args.requestType == "add" ? 0 : args.rowIndex;
$("#sr_no").ejNumericTextbox({ value: ((args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].sr_no).length) + 1 });
$("#attendance_date").ejDatePicker({ dateFormat: "dd-MMM-yyyy" });
$("#modified_out_time").ejTimePicker({ timeFormat: "hh:mm tt" });
$("#regularize_status").ejDropDownList({ dataSource: regularize_status });
//var scope = angular.element($("#Grid")).scope();
//var flag = 1;
if (args.requestType == "beginedit") {
$scope.t = 2;
$scope.id1 = args.model.currentViewData[args.rowIndex].sr_no;
var rowIndex = args.requestType == "beginedit" ? args.rowIndex : 0;
$scope.sr_no = args.model.currentViewData[args.rowIndex].sr_no;
$("#sr_no").ejNumericTextbox({ value: (args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].sr_no).length });
$("#attendance_date").ejDatePicker({ dateFormat: "dd-MMM-yyyy", value: args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].attendance_date });
$("#modified_in_time").ejTimePicker({ timeFormat: "hh:mm tt", value: args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].modified_in_time });
$("#modified_out_time").ejTimePicker({ timeFormat: "hh:mm tt", value: args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].modified_out_time });
$("#regularize_status").ejDropDownList({ dataSource: regularize_status, value: args.model.currentViewData[rowIndex].status });
if (args.requestType == "save") {
if ($scope.t == 1) {
args.data.attendance_date = moment(args.data.attendance_date).format('DD-MMM-YYYY');
delete args.data.regularize_status;
angular.copy((JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('RegularizationList'))), $scope.regularization_arr);
localStorage.setItem('RegularizationList', JSON.stringify($scope.regularization_arr));
$scope.sorting = { sortedColumns: [{ field: "sr_no", direction: ej.sortOrder.Descending }] }
if (args.requestType == "save") {
if ($scope.t == 2) {
args.data.attendance_date = moment(args.data.attendance_date).format('DD-MMM-YYYY');
delete args.data.regularize_status;
angular.copy((JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('RegularizationList'))), $scope.regularization_arr);
$scope.regularization_arr[$scope.id1 - 1] = args.data;
localStorage.setItem('RegularizationList', JSON.stringify($scope.regularization_arr));
$scope.sorting = { sortedColumns: [{ field: "sr_no", direction: ej.sortOrder.Descending }] }
In the above code, alert for automatic count increment is working correct but its not getting updated to respective field. And it gets updated i want to disable the count field, so that the user is not able to edit the particular field? where am I wrong? How can i fix this in angularjs?
Thanks in advance.