Hi Kalpa,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We can achieve your requirement using template property of tooltip and toolTipInitialize event of Chart. Please refer the following code snippet to achieve this
//Event handler to modify the contents of tooltip template
function tooltip(sender) {
var pointIndex = sender.data.pointIndex;
tooltipDiv.innerHTML = '<center> <b>' + sender.model.series[0].points[pointIndex].x + "</b> </center>";
for (var i = 0; i < sender.model.series.length; i++)
if (!sender.model.series[i].points[pointIndex].isEmpty)
tooltipDiv.innerHTML += sender.model.series[i].name + " : <b> " + sender.model.series[i].points[pointIndex].y + "</b><br/>";
//Dynamically adding a div with customized content as tooltip template
sender.data.currentText = tooltipDiv;
$(function () {
series: [{
. . . . .
//Using tooltip template to customize the appearance of chart tooltip
tooltip: { visible: true, template: '' }
. . . . . .
//Event for rendering tooltip
toolTipInitialize: 'tooltip'
We have also prepared a sample and it can be downloaded from the following link
Stacking column with customized tooltip
Please let us know if you have any concern.