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Somtimes the grid doesn't refresh correctly (after column add/remove for example). Moreover, I encountered problems when deleting some columns one by one, but in the same method, without calling any refresh method between each deletion. Thank you.

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 2, 2002 05:14 PM UTC

Are you using the 1.1 version? If you are sequentially removing several rows, you may want to sandwich the code that removes the rows between calls to GridControl.BeginUpdate and GridControl.EndUpdate. This will avoid unnecessary drawing that may lead to a 'jerky' display.

CC Cyrille Claustre October 3, 2002 05:53 AM UTC

I tried BeginUpdate / EndUpdate, but in fact I may have problems with the events sequence. I'm trying to look further in my code.

CC Cyrille Claustre October 4, 2002 05:35 AM UTC

Does the Refresh() method has effect when called between BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() ?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 4, 2002 08:47 AM UTC

Any grid drawing between the BegiUpdate and EndUpdate is at best deferred, or maybe ignored entirely depending upon the parameter you pass to EndUpdate.

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