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Problem with multiple selection

I need to select multiple items from a grid, but when i change the page of the grid, the selection from the previous page disappears. How can I prevent it?
Roman Suska

4 Replies

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team November 28, 2014 01:35 PM UTC

One more question: how can I get all records from the grid?

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team November 28, 2014 05:04 PM UTC

Hi Roman,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

Query 1: I need to select multiple items from a grid, but when i change the page of the grid, the selection from the previous page disappears. How can I prevent it?

Based on your requirement we have created the sample and the same can be downloaded from the following link.

Sample Link: MVC_Sample_-_12.3.0.36.zip

In the above sample we have used _selectedRowsIndexes for getting selected rows of the current page in ActionBegin clientside event of the grid.

Please refer the below code snippet.


. . . .

  }).ClientSideEvents(eve => { eve.ActionBegin("begin").ActionComplete("complete"); })



<script type="text/javascript">


function begin(args)


        if (args.requestType == "paging")



            var gridobj = $("#Grid").data("ejGrid");

          for (var i = 0; i < gridobj._selectedRowsIndexes.length; i++) {


                            selectedRecords.push({ rowIndex: args.previousPage, selectedRecordsIndex: gridobj._selectedRowsIndexes[i] });





And also in the ActionComplete event of the grid we have selected the rows by passing the selected indices in to the selectRows method of the grid.

<script type="text/javascript">

function complete(args) {

for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {

                gridobj.multiSelectCtrlRequest = true;


            } }



For your kind information, In our current implementation we don’t have public property for “_selectedRowIndexes” private variable and also we have confirmed that an issue with “Need public property for _selectedRowIndexes private variable” is a defect and also please create a new incident for better follow up.

Query 2: One more question: how can I get all records from the grid?

We can get all the records from the grid using “dataSource” property as follows.

<script type="text/javascript">

function begin(args)


var data = args.model.dataSource;



Please try the sample and let us know if you have any queries.


Gowthami V.

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 3, 2014 08:46 AM UTC

everything works now, thank you for help.
Roman Suska

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team December 4, 2014 04:38 AM UTC

Hi Roman,

Thanks for your update.


Please get back to us if you have any queries. We will happy to assist you.



Gowthami V.

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