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Tooltip disappears too quickly

I implemented a tooltip to allow users to hover over points on a line chart.  Also added a custom data template.

The tooltip works perfectly.  However it appears for only a second or less, then disappears.  The user doesn't have time to read the tooltip before it's gone.  How can the tooltip timeout be extended? Or perhaps better, can the timeout be disabled so the tooltip remains until the mouse is pressed or tablet user touches away from the data point?

1 Reply

SJ Sumathi Jayaraj Syncfusion Team November 25, 2014 07:00 AM UTC

Hi Rob,

We have analyzed your requirement for "Tooltip duration in ChartTooltip". Since this feature isn’t available in our product, we consider this to be a feature request. We really appreciate you to bring this feature to our attention. We have created incident "132431" for this feature. We request you to follow with the incident.

Our Direct Trac support system can be accessed from the following link:


Sumathi J

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