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Where best to find documentation on methods and properties ...


Well, I'm starting to get into making the sample Diagram Builder working to meet our requirements, and to date support from Syncfusion in getting me over some hurdles has been excellent.,
But although forums are an excellent way to learn and the samples provided contain lots of code, I like to read actual documentation.
The online documentation is good to a point, but where do I find out things such as the following:
  • All properties and methods available in Javascript for a node or connector
    • Examples:  diagram.updateNode or args.element.isSwimlane
  • What do PageSettings.PageWidth and PageSettings.PageHeight actually control?
  • What is a PseudoGroup?

I'm not looking for specific answers to the above, but rather where I can find these answers myself.

Intellisense is sometimes helpful, but not what I would consider documentation.

Any advice?



1 Reply

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team November 20, 2014 05:26 AM UTC

Hi Jim

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

Please note that we have online documentation for methods and properties of JavaScript controls in which we have defined the nodes,connectors,diagrammodel properties with code snippet and also methods with code snippet. Please refer the below link for more details.

Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/UG/JS_CR/ejDiagram.html

Please let me know if any concerns.


Shyam G

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