ID | IsActive | Command |
1 | True | [Set Status Button] |
2 | False | [Set Status Button] |
Hi Fabio,
We regret to let you know that we are unable to reproduce the issue in our end. We have created a sample based on your requirement and the same can be downloaded from below link.
In the above sample we have button in Unbound Column, which when clicked sends ajax post to server-side and in ajax success we are updating the “Verified” column value of the current record.
Could you please reproduce the issue in the above sample and send us back or send us more information about the issue so that we could sort out the cause of the issue and provide you a response as early as possible.
Please let us know if you have any queries.
Alan Sangeeth S
.PageSettings(settings => settings.PageSize(6))
.FilterSettings(filter => { filter.ShowFilterBarStatus().StatusBarWidth(500).FilterBarMode(FilterBarMode.Immediate); })
.Columns(col =>
col.Field("DateCreated").HeaderText("Date Created").Width(120).Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}").Add();
The Column Templates are
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="colDevicesTemplate">
<span class="label-hyperlink" title="Devices" onclick="onclickDevicesImpersonate(this)">{{:DeviceCount}}</span>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="colTransactionsTemplate">
<span class="label-hyperlink" title="Transactions" onclick="onclickTransactionsImpersonate(this)">{{:TransactionCount}}</span>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="colActionsTemplate">
<span class="icon-image" title="Edit Merchant" onclick="onclickEdit(this)"><img src="Content/Images/Edit.png" alt="E" /></span>
<span class="icon-image" title="Impersonate Merchant" onclick="onclickUserImpersonate(this)"><img src="Content/Images/Impersonate.png" alt="I" /></span>
<span class="icon-image" title="Change Merchant Status" onclick="onclickStatus(this)"><img src="Content/Images/Status.png" alt="S" /></span>
My Status Ajax Call looks like this
function onclickStatus(e) {
var grid = $("#MerchantsGrid").ejGrid("instance");
var index = $(e).closest("tr").index();
var record = grid.getCurrentViewData()[index];
var data = {
index: index,
model: record,
type: "POST",
url: '@Url.Action("SetMerchantStatus", "Merchants")',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
dataType: "json",
success: successFunc,
error: errorFunc
And my Success Function looks like this
function successFunc(data, status) {
var model = $("#MerchantsGrid").ejGrid("model");
var record = model.dataSource[];
record.IsActive =;
my Refresh Grid function looks like this
function refreshMerchantGrid() {
var model = $("#MerchantsGrid").ejGrid("model");
So as you can see my scenario is somewhat different, can you look at my sample and tell me what am I missing or what am I doing wrong?
Hi Fabio,
Thanks for the update.
We are happy to hear that your issue has been resolved.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Alan Sangeeth S