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how can i add excel like datatable below multiple series column chart in syncfusion chart control?

I want to Add Excel like Data Table below column chart with multiple series ..is there any way to do it with syncfudion chart control or any other syncfusion control?

I attached File here to show data table with column chart...please help me.???

Attachment: DataTable_with_Chart_f72a82a4.rar

1 Reply

AB Akbar Basha K M Syncfusion Team October 6, 2014 05:05 AM UTC

Hi Bhumika,

Thanks for using syncfusion product. We have analyzed your requirement and we prepared a sample based on your requirement.

Please find the attached sample.

Please let us know if you have any concern.


Akbar Basha K M

Attachment: WindowsFormsApplication6_a4445c99.zip

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