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Ribbon MVC Classic - Documentation


I would like to get the Ribbon MVC documentation.
Actually, I found some doc related to the event (client side) .Nevertheless each time I am submitting the page the state of the ribbon is lost.
Were can I find the documentation to help me ?



5 Replies

ES Ezhil S Syncfusion Team September 4, 2014 09:08 AM UTC

Hi Brice,


Thank you for your interest with Syncfusion products.


Query: Nevertheless each time I am submitting the page the state of the ribbon is lost.


To be clearer, do you want the state of buttons in Ribbon control to maintain its state after post back on submitting the page or maintain the state of the application menu after submission? Could please explain the query little more so that we can provide you a better solution.

Please let us know if you have further queries. 


Ezhil S

BF Brice FROMENTIN September 4, 2014 01:22 PM UTC

Thanks for your answer,

Actually, both of your queries are interesting for me.
I need to keep the state persistence of the Ribbon after submitting the page form.

The main point to me is to find out some documentation about the Ribbon MVC classic control.(javascript)
According to the doc  http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/asp.net%20mvc/default.htm#!documents/clientsidemethods16.htm
In using the following jquery I should be able to display the tab selected before the submit.
$("#ribbon1").sfRibbon("ShowTab", 1, 1);
Netherless this code doesn't work to me.

The events describe on the http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/asp.net%20mvc/default.htm#!documents/clientsideevents18.htm
are fired but I need to manipulate the ribbon to show a particular element of it.

Do you have more examples than the ones I am talking about above?

Best Regards


ES Ezhil S Syncfusion Team September 5, 2014 10:11 AM UTC

Hi Brice,


Thanks for your update.


Query 1: $("#ribbon1").sfRibbon("ShowTab", 1, 1); Netherless this code doesn't work to me

                We are unable to reproduce the reported issue on “ShowTab” method which works fine at our end. This might not work only if the Selected tab is not available in the Ribbon control. That is sfRibbon("ShowTab", 1, 1) will let you to show the tab available in second TabContext. Since Ribbon control holds multiple TabContext you have to specify the TabContext element and the Tab element to show.


Query 2: The events are fired but I need to manipulate the ribbon to show a particular element of it.

                To manipulate the Ribbon Control elements, you have to use their ID based on the requirement. We have prepared a sample that will allow you to switch Tab on button click and display particular Group content in that tab. We can also define behavior for particular element in the container. Please refer the following code snippet,



<script type="text/javascript">

        function tabChange(inst, currValue) {

            alert("Tab Changed");

            $("#bold1").css("background-color", "lightgray");

            for(var i=0;i<$(".grouptitlecont").length;i++)

                if ($(".grouptitlecont")[i].textContent == "Clipboard2")

                    // hiding the clipboard elements in Paragraph tab

                    $($(".grouptitlecont")[i].parentElement).css("display", "none");


        function ShowTab() {

            //Show the Paragraph tab in first tab context

            $("#ribbon").sfRibbon("ShowTab", 0, 1);




For further reference check the online sample link below,



Please find the attached sample and let us know if you have further queries.


Ezhil S

Attachment: Ribbon_f117205_6058e44b.zip

BF Brice FROMENTIN September 11, 2014 08:19 AM UTC

Thanks for you helps,


ES Ezhil S Syncfusion Team September 12, 2014 04:29 AM UTC

Hi Brice,


Thanks for your update.


We are glad that the provided solution helped you.


Please let us know if you have further queries.



Ezhil S

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