Cut-and-paste a node

I have a large tree with many levels and when my tree is fully expanded and I have to move a node from the bottom of the tree to the top, it is both challenging and painful to navigate up and down the tree to drop the node I am trying to move.  Is it possible to cut-and-paste a node to a parent/sibling node anywhere in the tree?

Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

MS Muralishankar Sundaram Syncfusion Team August 19, 2014 11:45 AM UTC

Hi Solymars,


Thank you for using syncfusion products.


By using the given sample, you can easily make cut and paste operation on the treeview, with the help of the given JavaScript method. We have used the context menu control to perform cut and paste operations. Use the below given information to perform cut and paste operations.


Action - Description: 

  1. Select the specific treeview node press right click and select cut option in the context menu (Selected node and its child nodes will be removed and saved in a temporary variable).
  2. Select the specific treeview node press right click and select paste option in the context menu (The saved nodes will be add as child of the current selected node). 





SO solymars September 4, 2014 12:14 PM UTC

Thank you, I will give this a try.

GA Gurunathan A Syncfusion Team September 8, 2014 03:34 AM UTC

Hi Solymars,

Thanks for the update.


We will wait to hear from you.


Please let us know if you have further queries.




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