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AppointmentTooltipTemplate Binding

I am using SfSchedule control in Windows 8 app.
A class has property notes and i would like to see it in AppointmentTooltip.
But binding to this property does not work.
Subject, Start date time and Due date time do work.
Here is the code.
<syncfusion:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,-30,0,0"
                               ShowNonWorkingHours="True" IsHighLightWorkingHours="True"  
                    <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
                        <Grid Background="Bisque">
                            <TextBlock FontSize="16" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Center" Padding="10 0" Text="{Binding Subject}" Grid.Row="0"/>
                            <TextBlock FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" FontStyle="Italic" Padding="10 0" Text="Notes: " Grid.Row="1"/>
                            <TextBlock FontSize="16" Margin="20 5" Text="{Binding Note}" Grid.Row="2"/>
Awaiting reply,

1 Reply

JM Jeyasri M Syncfusion Team August 11, 2014 10:37 AM UTC

Hi Vinod,


Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


Based on the provided information we suspect that since the value of “Notes” property is null the displayed value in Appointment Tooltip should be empty, in order to bind the value in AppointmentTooltipTemplate you have to set the value to that property.


For your reference we have prepared a simple sample for the same, in that sample we have mapped the value of NoteMapping property to “NotesMapping” so the AppointmentTooltipTemplate binding takes the NoteMapping property value to “Notes”.

Please find sample in the below attachment.


Please let us know, if you have any concerns.



Jeyasri M



Attachment: AppointmentToolTip_d391fb5a.zip

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