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Source code of AppointmentForm

Hi i have Syncfusion Enterprise with Source Codes and want to change the AppointmentFrom of Schedule form. But i cant find this form :(

1 Reply

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team July 21, 2014 11:09 AM UTC

Hi Sergiy ,

Thank for your interest in Syncfusion products.

To Customize the Appointment from of Schedule form. The IScheduleAppointmentList is used to find the new item in ScheduleControl as shown below. 

Code Snippet:

void scheduleControl_ShowingAppointmentForm(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Schedule.ShowingAppointFormEventArgs e)
AppointMentForm fr = new AppointMentForm();
IScheduleAppointment sch = e.Item.Clone() as IScheduleAppointment;
e.Cancel = true;
e.Handled = false;
fr.schedule = this.scheduleControl;
IScheduleAppointmentList list = this.dataprovider.GetScheduleForDay(e.Item.StartTime);
if (list.Contains(e.Item))
fr.newappointment = false;
fr.newappointment = true;
if (fr.newappointment)
fr.SetDataProvider(dataprovider, sch);
fr.SetDataProvider(dataprovider, e.Item);
IRecurringScheduleAppointment recurItem = e.Item as IRecurringScheduleAppointment;
fr.ShowRecurDialog.Text = recurItem.RecurrenceRule.Length > 0
? (RecurrenceSupport.IsSpanItem(recurItem) ? "Delete Span" : "EditRecurring")
: "MakeRecurring";

Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Thanks & Regards,


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