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Box-Plot Y Series Tool Tip & Statistical Chart (Anova)

Hi Syncfusion Support,

I would like to ask how to display the YAxis & Xaxis value in Box-Plot chart?
I use and follow how to display the tooltip but still unsuccessfull.
Other chart i can able to display, only in Box-plot the data show is not correct.

Another one is in ANOVA chart.  What is the equivalent of p-Value in Syncfusion Anova chart?

Thank you.

1 Reply

RJ Rekha J Syncfusion Team May 16, 2014 09:30 AM UTC

Hi Almeria,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

Query 1: I would like to ask how to display the YAxis & Xaxis value in Box-Plot chart.

We suggest you to enable “CalcRegions” and “ShowToolTips” property of chart control to enable tooltip and set “PointsToolTipFormat” property of chart series to “{2}” for customizing chart tooltip. We can set tooltip for points using “ToolTip” property of chart series style

Please refer the following code snippet to achieve this:


BoxPlot.PointsToolTipFormat = "{2}";

            this.chartControl1.ShowToolTips = true;

            this.chartControl1.CalcRegions = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoxPlot.Points.Count; i++)


                BoxPlot.Styles[i].ToolTip = string.Format("X = {0}, Y = {1}", BoxPlot.Points[i].X.ToString(), BoxPlot.Points[i].YValues[0]);



For your convenience, we have created a simple sample and it can be downloaded from the following link.


Query 2: Another one is in ANOVA chart.  What is the equivalent of p-Value in Syncfusion Anova chart?

Essential Chart supports performing ANOVA test on statistical data. We can use a selected p-value (<0.05) as parameter to the “Anova” function of statistical formulas to perform ANOVA test.

Please refer the following code snippet where you can achieve this.


AnovaResult ar = BasicStatisticalFormulas.Anova(


     new ChartSeries[]{ series1,


             series3} );


For your convenience, we have created a simple sample and it can be downloaded from the following link.


Please let us know if we have misunderstood the query,



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