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Print in Landscape Orientation

I used the online sample to add a print button to the grid:
    <syncfusion:NavigatorBar ButtonBackColor="Control">
            <syncfusion:ButtonBarItem ButtonBarItemType="Print"></syncfusion:ButtonBarItem>

This prints the grid in Portrait orientation.  I also found an example for printing a Grid in landscape mode (http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/windows%20forms/grid/default.htm#!documents/printandprintpreview.htm), but this appears to be for windows forms applications.  The ASP.NET GridGroupingControl does not have the TableControl  property so the GridPrintDocument cannont be created as in the example:

GridPrintDocument pd = new GridPrintDocument(this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl, true);

Is there a way to print an ASP.NET GridGroupingControl in landscape orientation using either of the approaches above or some other option?


4 Replies

SS Satheeskumar S Syncfusion Team May 16, 2014 07:06 AM UTC

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Products.

We deeply regret about the inconvenience caused. In our current implementation of Grid Grouping Control printing in a landscape view is not feasible. We have logged a feature report for this requirement in our database. We will implement this feature in our upcoming releases. We usually have a time frame of at least three months between releases. The feature implementation would also greatly depend on the factors like product design, code compatibility and complexity.

In the meantime, we suggest you to use default printer dialog properties to print in landscape mode.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.


Satheeskumar S.

SS Satheeskumar S Syncfusion Team May 16, 2014 11:53 AM UTC

Hi Bill,

Please ignore our previous update.

We have considered this “Change Page orientation while printing” as feature request; we have created incident "#125129" for this requested feature. We will assist you through incident under your Direct Trac account.

Our Direct-Trac support system can be accessed from the following link:                          



Satheeskumar S

BV Bharat Vasant May 5, 2017 12:37 PM UTC

Please let us know whether the feature to print Grid in Landscape mode is implemented and how to do that?  \We have tried selecting ISOA4Rotated option from preview window but it has no effect on Preview or printing...

Awaiting your revert ASAP...

IR Isuriya Rajan Syncfusion Team May 9, 2017 12:38 PM UTC

Hi Bill, 
We have consider this as an issue with “ Change orientation for grid print  ” is a defect and logged a defect report. It will be included in our Volume 2 Service Pack 1, 2017 release which has been scheduled to be roll out at the end of May, 2017.   

Isuriya R 

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