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Virtual scrolling with large remote data source


Does the latest 2014-1 release of the ejGrid support a remote data source with virtual scrolling where it will automatically fetch the next page of grid rows as required when you scroll down?

I need to have a continuous scrolling grid that supports hundreds of thousands of records (potentially) and obviously those records cannot all be loaded up front. The grid should be able to fetch those on demand in the background as and when required through scrolling.

The backend is .NET and can be an oData or just plain WebAPI service.

Thanks in advance

3 Replies

RU Ragavee U S Syncfusion Team May 9, 2014 09:58 AM UTC

Hi Xander


Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.


We have analyzed your requirement, and found that you have asked the sample using ejGrid in your query but tagged the forum under ejmGrid control. So we have considered it as ejGrid and provided a sample using desktop control(ejGrid) based on your request.


For your kind information if you expected the sample in ejGrid, then please change the tag name as ”ejGrid”  instead of ”ejmGrid” for better follow up.


The sample can be downloaded from the attachment. In the sample provided, we have used the remote url for binding the data to grid and have enabled virtual scrolling.


For creating a sample using oData, please refer the following link




After creating the odata sample, you can specify the odata controller name in the url property of the DataManager. Please refer the below code snippet.


var datamanager = ej.DataManager({ url: "odata/Product"}); // Product - WebApiControllerName


                dataSource: datamanager,

                . . . .




Online Sample Link: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/grid/Paging/VirtualPaging


Please let us know if you need any further assistance.



Ragavee U S

Attachment: Sampl116277_bb40eac3.zip

XV Xander van der Merwe May 14, 2014 05:41 AM UTC

Thanks Ragavee.

Sorry about tagging it to the wrong forum, it should have been tagged under ejGrid forum as the question did pertain to the ejGrid control, so please move this thread to the correct forum.

The sample is great thank you.

RU Ragavee U S Syncfusion Team May 15, 2014 05:05 AM UTC

Hi Xander,


Thanks for the update. The tag has been changed based on your request.


If you have any issues in the future, please get back to us we will be happy to assist you.


Please let us know if you would require any further assistance.



Ragavee U S

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