Ok, I have narrowed some things down so maybe you can help out. In my app our base window inherits from Window. So each window is from this inherited control. In the constructor of the base class we call the SkinStorage.SetVisualStyle(this, "Metro") command. This kinda works. What happens is that on first start of the particular screen of hte app it does not seem to apply. Once I start a second instance of the same screen (kinda like MDI app) then it applys the Metro template to the base framework controls. However we get funky behaviour in that the checkboxes in the grid for example have a windows look to them when adding records but then when you hover over them they get the proper look and feel. My headers on my grid look correct with the white on blue too.
Now when I add to my startup of my app the command (adding to the App Resource Dictionaries):
ResourceDictionary syncFusion = Application.LoadComponent(new Uri(@"/Syncfusion.Shared.WPF;Component/SkinManager/MetroStyle.xaml", UriKind.Relative)) as ResourceDictionary;
my controls clean up but then the grid looses the header format and the font goes black vs white. If I do both the resource dictionary and the skin storage it results in it not looking right as well.
As soon as I remove the resource dictionary from the list it works but then other stuff doesn't get applied correctly.
Any suggestions on how to address it?