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Grid is not displaying although a view of the page source indicates the data is there. What am I missing??

I am using Essential Studio v11.3.0.30 within an ASP.NET MVC 4 project.  I was following the instructions   I was following the instructions from a couple of different syncfusion how to guides including:



It had me add the applicable syncfusion assemblies, update the web.config files, add the ScriptManager and StyleManager, etc.  I then created my MVC Razor view to bring in my model and display the grid (using


When the page loads, I get no errors but the grid is not displayed.  If I look at the browser's source, I see all of the markup and data for the grid though.  What am I missing that is preventing the grid from displaying.

Thanks - Peter

2 Replies

PE Peter November 20, 2013 08:50 PM UTC

UPDATE: Not sure what it was but I went back to the instructions from the http://help.syncfusion.com/asp.net%20mvc/grid --> How To à How to manually configure the MVC application for Grid and noticed that missed a couple references.  I made those changes and it appears to be working.  One note though, these were from the Essential Studio 2013 so I thought it was inline with what was needed for the MVC 4 application, but it listed two Microsoft Ajax libraries to use.  These libraries are not part of any MVC 4 application creation but they are included in the sample code that was downloaded when Syncfusion was installed.  I added those libraries as the instructions stated but that caused some problems and I found that the libraries were obsolete after MVC 2 because the JQuery libraries were doing the job.  So..... I removed those libraries and the grid rendered and ran fine.

SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team November 21, 2013 12:37 PM UTC

Hi Peter,


Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


We hope that your reported  issue has been solved.


Please get back to us if you need further assistance.






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