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format data for a column

I want to disply data with a format for a column in a GridDataBoundGrid control. e.g. Telepone or SSN. (206) 123-4567 or 123-45-6789. But these data are in foramt 1234567 or 123456789 in dataset. Can I use a mask on a column to format it? Thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 5, 2004 04:03 PM UTC

Yes, you shoul dbe able to do this. The excludeliterals setting is what allows teh raw data not to have teh formatting characters. Dim style3 as GridStyleInfo = Me.Grid.GridBoundColumns("PhoneNumber").StyleInfo style3.CellType = "MaskEdit" maskedEditStyle3.AllowPrompt = False maskedEditStyle3.ClipMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ClipModes.ExcludeLiterals style3.CultureInfo = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US") maskedEditStyle3.DateSeparator = "-"c maskedEditStyle3.Mask = "(999) 999 - 9999" style3.MaxLength = 16 maskedEditStyle3.SpecialCultureValue = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.SpecialCultureValues.None style3.Text = "(___) ___ - ____" maskedEditStyle3.UseLocaleDefault = False maskedEditStyle3.UseUserOverride = True The first may need to be Dim style3 as GridStyleInfo = Me.Grid.Binder.InternalColumns("PhoneNumber").StyleInfo if you have not explicitly added GridBoundColumns.

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