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Chart not displayed when I run under local IIS


I am using the chart control on an asp.net page.  It renders fine when I run it through the debugger in Visual Studio.  But when I deploy it to IIS and run it, the charts do not render.   I tried setting the path for the image generation to a different path, but that had no effect.   Can you tell me what else I should try?  Where the charts are supposed to be, I get a little black "X".  Clicking on properties, it tells me it is:




1 Reply

BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team November 4, 2013 04:50 AM UTC

Hi Robb,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

We suspect that you have missed “ChartWebHandler” in your web.config file handlers tag and it will be caused to display broken chart image in IIS web page. Essential Chart requires chart handlers to be added in configuration file for rendering chart in a web page. For displaying chart in Visual Studio development server, chart handler should be added in <httpHandlers> tag of the configuration file.

Please refer the following code snippet to achieve this:



      <add path='syncfusion_generate.ashx' verb='*' type='Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Chart.ChartWebHandler,Syncfusion.Chart.Web, Version=11.3040.0.30, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89' />


For displaying chart in IIS server, chart handler which specifies the name, path and type of the handler should be added in the configuration file under the following tag:

system.webServer => handlers

Please refer the following code snippet to add handler for displaying chart in IIS:



    <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests='true' />

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration='false' />


      <add name='syncfusion_generate' path='syncfusion_generate.ashx' verb='*' type='Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Chart.ChartWebHandler,Syncfusion.Chart.Web, Version=11.3040.0.30, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89' />



For your convenience, we have created a simple sample for displaying chart in IIS server and it can be downloaded from the following link:

Sample link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/113082/IISWebServer-2060907750.zip

Please confirm your current Essential Studio version and whether chart handlers are added in the configuration file (web.config). we have created sample for Essential Studio latest version

Please let us know if the solution helps.




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