Hi !
I have the same issue here. If i try your example, the warning comes:
Warning 1 Project "win8.1app" depends upon SDK "Syncfusion Controls for WinRT XAML v11.3.0.32" which supports apps targeting "Windows 8.0". To verify whether "Syncfusion Controls for WinRT XAML v11.3.0.32" is compatible with "Windows 8.1", contact the SDK author or see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=309181. win8.1app
I use Visual Studio 2013 Prof
Reference Path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\SDK\
Hi Christof Rakowski,
Sorry about the inconvenience caused.
We have tested version of our WinRT controls with Windows 8.1 and VS 2013 Professional Edition and found that to be compatible and did not see any warnings in our test environment. However, some customers have reported about this warning message and we are still trying at our end to determine the reason for these warning alerts in some machines. We expect to have a solution soon and will have a service pack available with the fix.
Please let us know if you have any concerns.
Vadivel N
Same issue here too.
I have the same problem