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Refresh after CancelCurrentEdit

How do you refresh the contents of a data bound grid afer cancelling the current edit on the underlying datasource Amd hints gratefully welcomed...

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 29, 2004 11:36 PM UTC

You can call grid.Refresh() or grid.RefreshRange(...) to force the grid to redraw itself with new data from the DataSOurce.

PD Paul Dorrell February 29, 2004 11:41 PM UTC

I''ve tried that, but it doesnt seem to work Heres my code... perhaps you can see something wrong ''Set up the grid with... Me.grdAsset.DataSource = Me.dsCustomer Me.grdAsset.DataMember = "select_customer.customer_asset" Dim assCol1 As New GridBoundColumn assCol1.MappingName = "cust_id" assCol1.HeaderText = "Cust" Dim assCol2 As New GridBoundColumn assCol2.MappingName = "country_group_id" assCol2.HeaderText = "Ctry" Dim dvAsset = New DataView(dsCustomer.Tables("select_country_group_list")) assCol2.StyleInfo.CellType = "ComboBox" assCol2.StyleInfo.DropDownStyle = GridDropDownStyle.Editable assCol2.StyleInfo.DataSource = dvAsset assCol2.StyleInfo.DisplayMember = "country_group_name" assCol2.StyleInfo.ValueMember = "country_group_id" assCol2.StyleInfo.ShowButtons = GridShowButtons.ShowCurrentCell Dim assCol3 As New GridBoundColumn assCol3.MappingName = "percentage" assCol3.HeaderText = "Pct" ''Me.grdAsset.GridBoundColumns.Add(assCol1) Me.grdAsset.GridBoundColumns.Add(assCol2) Me.grdAsset.GridBoundColumns.Add(assCol3) Me.grdAsset.Binder.InitializeColumns() ''Undo my changes with ..... Private Sub mnuDetailUndo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuDetailUndo.Click Me.BindingContext(dsCustomer, "select_customer").CancelCurrentEdit() Me.BindingContext(dsCustomer, "select_customer.customer_asset").CancelCurrentEdit() Me.grdAsset.Refresh() End Sub

PD Paul Dorrell March 1, 2004 01:24 AM UTC

No need... I''ve fixed it. Forgotten to reject the Changes Many thanks for the help

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