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X-Axis Point Markers not appearing on strings - Bug

It seems like the markers on the x-axis ( or the vertical lines )
that specify each point, only appear if the x-axis labels are integers.
They don't seem to appear on string labels.

Check these 2 examples

In the 2nd example, the marker appears in between the weeks, but
not on them. This is fine here, but in some cases, I use really big names,
and it is not comfortable to not know where the point actually lies.
Can you tell me a workaround for this?

4 Replies

PR Pradeep September 24, 2013 02:20 AM UTC

Without this,the major grid lines don't appear on the actual points,
but only in between the points.


   title: { text: groupValue.toUpperCase(), font: { fontFamily: 'Oswald', size: '17px' }},
   majorGridLines: { visible: true, color: "rgb(37,37,37)" }

GS Gowrimathi S Syncfusion Team September 24, 2013 11:27 AM UTC

Hi Pradeep

Thanks for using Syncfusion product.

Please find the response for the query.

By default, the chart render the ticks and gridlines between the points for string value type axis. So, we suggest  you to use “labelPlacement” property of axis to achieve this behavior as follow



                     //default value is labelPlacement: “betweenTicks”

                    labelPlacement: 'onTicks',


Based on the query we have created a simple sample and find the sample from the attachment.


Gowrimathi S


PR Pradeep September 25, 2013 01:22 AM UTC

thanks, that worked :)

GS Gowrimathi S Syncfusion Team October 3, 2013 05:35 AM UTC

Thanks for the update, please let me know if you have any further assistance

Gowrimathi S

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