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retrieve position of a datagrid column


Is there a way to retrieve the position of a column in the datagrid.

I want to save the state of a datagrid after the manipulation_complete event. 

For example, I have a column with mappingName  'x',  at the beginning of the application it is the fourth column in the datagrid, but the user switches this column into first position, so is there a way to know this column is now the first column in the datagrid?




3 Replies

JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team September 17, 2013 09:01 AM UTC

Hi Marco,


Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


We have analyzed your query. You can retrieve the position of the column by using “columns” property of DataGrid. We have prepared a simple sample to achieve your requirement and please check the sample under the following location.


Sample: GridColumnPositionSample.zip


Please let us know if you need further assistance.


Thank you,

Jai Ganesh S

MA marco September 24, 2013 08:57 AM UTC


JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team September 30, 2013 05:40 AM UTC

Hi Marco,


Thanks for your update.


Please let us know if you have any queries.


Thank you,

Jai Ganesh S

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