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Pdf is not displaying properly in syncfusion PdfDocumentView

Pdf is not displaying properly in syncfusion PdfDocumentView
September 4, 2013 05:08 AM
I am using windows Pdf document view in one of our windows application.When i load the pdf , only blank page is displayed. the same file when viewed in adobe reader works fine. some pdf's can be viewed but with corrupted images, some can not be viewed only blank pages are getting displayed.I am using memory stream to load the document and using syncfusion 10.404.0.53 version.

I have attached the pdf which is creating issue.



2 Replies

PR Pragnya.Kulkarni September 7, 2013 06:30 AM UTC

We upgraded downloaded syncfusion licensed version "". Still issue is not resolved!
Some pdf files are showing white pages in pdfviewer.
Please assist me asap

SM Suresh M Syncfusion Team September 10, 2013 05:04 AM UTC

Hi Pragnya,


Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products,


We are able to reproduce the issue “Pages of the documents are displayed blank in the PDF Viewer”. Please create a Direct-Trac incident for following up the fix for this issue.


Please let us know if you have any concerns.




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