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adding rows to a databound grid

I have a data bound grid to which I want to add a few rows at the top. The data in the new rows may be the same for several columns so covered cells seem right. I just want to check if I am going down the wrong path here - will I be better off using a unbound grid? I have attached a gif with what I am trying to build. Any advice is appreciated. - I have not tried adding the rows yet - I'm still trying to figure out the rangeinfo classes (any examples of adding rows to a grid using Grid.GridModelInsertRangeOptions?)

4 Replies

AK Andre King September 23, 2002 01:33 PM UTC

sorry, I meant Model.Rows.InsertRange(...) not Grid.GridModelInsertRangeOptions

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 23, 2002 11:03 PM UTC

Never mind. I am going to use two grids, one for the header information - I realize what I was asking for was a little crazy: both bound and unbound rows in the same grid. thanks anyway

SH Stefan Hoenig Syncfusion Team September 24, 2002 03:47 PM UTC

I just happened to work on a sample with GridDataBoundGrid yesterday that we will put into our next release. Should be out this week for sure. In this sample I demonstrate mixing the DataBoundGrid with unbound data and also having sevaral row or column headers. Just in case you still want to follow up with your original idea ... I attached a screenshot. Stefan

AK Andre King September 25, 2002 04:40 PM UTC

thanks for the followup, in the mean time I tried a different approach and ran into a different problem - please see my post "text not displaying"

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