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WinRT Doc to Image or pdf

Is it possible to convert a doc or xls to image format or pdf format using any of the syncfusion winRT code?

3 Replies

GT Gunasekaran T Syncfusion Team September 5, 2013 12:28 PM UTC

Hi Spt,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

Regarding support to export Word documents as image/Pdf in Windows Store apps:
We do have support for UI control SfRichTextBoxAdv to view/edit and save Word documents in Windows Store apps. At this moment it does not support for exporting Word documents to image/PDF, we already have this requirement in our features list for SfRichTextBoxAdv.

Regarding support to export Excel documents as image/Pdf in Windows Store apps:
At this moment we do not have support to export Excel documents as image/Pdf in Windows Store apps and we have logged this requirement in our features list.

At this moment we cannot provide any concrete timeline for these feature and these feature will be added in any of our future releases. We will let you know once these features has been implemented. You may also check our website periodically for latest information related to our release.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


MB Meghdoot Blogger September 5, 2013 06:54 PM UTC

Thanks, that is a good control. I tried opening my own docx (attached in case you want to take a look) in it and all the content is there but some styles from the Docx are messed up. For example all the bullets and section numbers have disappeared. The TOC alignment is messed up. The footer page numbers are messed up (all show as 19 of 20). Some tables with hidden borders showed with borders.
Are these known issues and will they be fixed in the coming versions or are these problems that the user would have to live with?


GT Gunasekaran T Syncfusion Team September 11, 2013 05:55 AM UTC

Hi Spt,

Thank you for your update.

At this moment our WinRT SfRichTextBoxAdv control do provide limited support to view/edit
Word documents (
*.doc, *.docx), and rich text format files (*.rtf) in Windows Store apps and below are the supported features in SfRichTextBoxAdv control:
1. Rich text formatting - Bold, Italic, Font Size, Font Family, Font color, After spacing, Before spacing, Left indent, Right indent, Text Justifications.
2. Image – All the images, other than Meta file images.
3. Tables – Background color, Cell spanning, Cell margins.
4. Header Footers – First page, odd page and even page header footers.
5. List - Single level bullet and number lists.
6. Cut, Copy, Paste rich text content to and from Windows Clipboard.

Currently our SfRichTextBoxAdv control does not have support for the below mentioned features and we have logged feature requests for the same:
1. Styles sheet preservation similar to MS Word.
2. Formatting’s similar to MS Word.
3. Fields preservation (e.g. Page, TOC field) similar to MS Word.
4. Tabs preservation similar to MS Word.
5. Multilevel list preservation.

We do have plans to add unsupported features incrementally in our future releases based on feature importance. At this moment we cannot provide any concrete timeline for these features. We will let you know once these features has been implemented. You may also check our website periodically for latest information related to our release.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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