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Display Size of Virtual Grid

I have an application where it is costly for me to access information for each cell in a grid, which is why I use virtual grid to display my data. However, virtual grid query''s each cell that it is displaying to get its information. What I really need is the ability to know what starting cell and ending cell (or row/col) that the grid is displaying, so I can grab that array of data just once, and buffer it, and then supply it to the virtual grids cell query without having to grab that data each time for each cell. (I assume the virtual grid knows this information since it knows which cells to call querycellinfo on). Please let me know if this is possible, and how I can accomplish this. I hope I have explained myself clearly. Thanks, Vikram.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 23, 2004 01:35 PM UTC

grid.TopRowIndex and grid.LeftColIndex point to the top/left visible cell. grid.ViewLayout.LastVisibleRow and grid.ViewLayout.LastVisibleCol point to the bottom right visible cell. There are TopRowChanging and LeftColChanging events you can catch when these values change.

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