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AdornmentIntersectAction="AdjustAcrossPoints" in v9.4

Hello, I see that there is smart labels implemented in v11 . Is there anyway to get this in v9.4 so that I can resolve overlapping labels?
Thank you

2 Replies

GO Godwin August 14, 2013 03:42 PM UTC

Alternatively, do you have any code I can use to add to v9.4 to resolve overlapping labels?
Thank you.

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team August 26, 2013 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Godwin,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.

We have analysed the your requirement for any sample level workaround to avoid Adornment intersection. We are unable to achieve as like AdjustAcrossPoints, since if we do any changes related with position in sample level it will affect all the adornments(not only the overlapping adornments).  

We would like to inform you that this feature was available from 10.2 main release version, so you can upgrade to any versions from 10.2 for using this feature.

Please let us know if you have any queries,

Muneesh Kumar G.

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