Syncfusion Team
February 19, 2004 08:19 PM UTC
Hi Simon,
The FlowLayout has AutoHeight property in our latest release, v2.0.2.1. If you are using an earlier version, please open an incident in DirectTrac and I will send you the download instructions for our latest release. Also, I have forwarded your request regarding AutoWidth property to the development team, and will update you as soon as I hear from them. Thanks for your continued interest in Syncfusion products.
Guru Patwal
Syncfusion, Inc.
Syncfusion Team
February 19, 2004 08:47 PM UTC
Thanks. I have AutoHeight but was surprised to see no AutoWidth too
>Hi Simon,
>The FlowLayout has AutoHeight property in our latest release, v2.0.2.1. If you are using an earlier version, please open an incident in DirectTrac and I will send you the download instructions for our latest release. Also, I have forwarded your request regarding AutoWidth property to the development team, and will update you as soon as I hear from them. Thanks for your continued interest in Syncfusion products.
>Guru Patwal
>Syncfusion, Inc.
Syncfusion Team
February 20, 2004 12:28 PM UTC
Hi Simon,
In almost all scenarios, the Containers within a form are layed out vertically one below the other (only the flow is horizontal within a Container). Since in most cases, only the AutoHeight property would be used to automatically resize the contents of the Containers within the form, we only support the same. However, we have considered your suggestion as a feature request (QA# 397)for a future release of Essential Suite. We appreciate your feedback and thanks for your continued interest in Syncfusion products.
Guru Patwal
Syncfusion, Inc.