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Disable auto sorting process while we are editing the existed records or adding a new records in the grid.?

Please suggest me any good solution to the below case.
In my project for the GridDataBoundGrid control, we have 2 modes and they are view, create/edit mode.
1).In 'View' mode as the grid is only readable only there is no problem in sorting the grid by using 'CurrecyManager' class.
2).In 'Create/Edit' mode as the grid is changeable (i.e we can edit the values) while we are doing sorting on one column and when we are editing the values it is applying sorting on the respected column values and the row which we change is positioned to another location in the grid based on the sorting criteria.
It is looking like the row is jumped to another location which is very inconvenient to my users.

How can I disable auto sorting process while user editing the existed records or adding a new records in the grid.?

Please respond back as soon as possible as it is very urgent work for my users.

1 Reply

VK Vinish Kumar K Syncfusion Team June 19, 2013 04:20 AM UTC

Hi Saikrishna,


Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.



How to disable the auto sort in GDBG

We have analyzed the reported query in our end. You can disable the auto sort while the cell is updated using the event cell_Click and wrapclass. Please refer the below UG link for further reference.




and the below UG is used to know more details about disable and enable the sorting in GDBG. Please refer this also.




We hope this will resolve the reported issue in your end. Please let me know if you have any concerns.





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